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Competency Mapping

For the employee, Competency Mapping can also be considered as a professional career map (career mapping) which can be a motivation for faster achievement of goals and efficiency in his work.

Competency Mapping is the process of identifying a set of employee skills and development opportunities. This process can help employees better understand their strengths and weaknesses and highlight areas where they can improve their capabilities. The method of Competency Mapping allows companies, first, to develop the current capabilities of their employees and, second, to indicate to them the limit they need to reach. These activities help companies identify specific areas of learning and development of employees and, align their set of skills with the company's strategic goals in the short, medium and long term (Strategic Human Resource Management).

If we have to ask what size of business Competency Mapping should be applied to, my answer would definitely be small businesses. Undoubtedly, no one can deny that it should be applied to large companies as well, but small ones face greater challenges due to their small number of employees.

The importance of the Competency Mapping process comes from the fact that the provision of information to employees is specific and the feedback is actively done in order to facilitate professional development. The positive impact that results from this function is that the employee feels that his role and his contribution to the company are recognized. Interrelatedly, recognition strengthens the employee's positive contribution to the company, the creation of a positive work culture environment as well as the retention of employees in the company.

Apart from the aforementioned, there are other specific benefits for both the employee and the company. For the employee, Competency Mapping can also be considered as a professional career map (career mapping) which can be a motivation for him. The employee is able to recognize the advancement and promotion of his career at the various stages of his career path. This creates motivation for the employee towards the effective and faster achievement of his professional goals. In addition, it indicates to the employee his gaps and "flaws", offering him, not only his needs for development but also, the clarification of the resources and requirements needed for his desired development.

Regarding the benefits that arise for the company through Competency Mapping, and in relation to the benefits of the employee that were mentioned, the creation of clear career requirements for employees causes better execution of processes and better intra-company service (internal customer support). The professional goals set for each employee create an increase in productivity and improvement in employee retention & engagement.

According to the theory of William Kahn (William Kahn), 1990, people who tend to be committed to their work can contribute three different levels of themselves. These are

  • Physical commitment: they put physical and mental effort into their work with increased feelings of self-confidence

  • Cognitive engagement: they attribute meaning to their work as they are encouraged by creativity and recognition of their contribution to the business's professional goals

  • Emotional commitment: they develop an emotional connection to their work when they feel they "belong to the team". This encourages employees to commit to the company's values and work practices.

Therefore, the three levels can affect their work experiences and productivity.

In summary, Competency Mapping ensures the full exploitation of the most important resource in a business, and that is human capital. It ensures people their professional development and the possibility to become good at what suits them. In this process, the employee is recruited holistically, and not collectively, within the company.

Competency mapping turns competent workers into excellent professionals!


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