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  • Writer's pictureChris

National Scheme for Digital Transformation


Eligible companies for participation are existing small and medium-sized enterprises that will implement expenses in the category of digital upgrading (including e-commerce), as well as new small, and medium-sized enterprises whose investment proposal necessarily includes e-commerce/shop and/or the application of advanced digital technologies.

The intensity of the subsidy amounts to 50% of the eligible budget of the proposal with a maximum subsidy amount of €50,000 and can cover expenses for:

- Equipment required for the digital upgrade.

- "off the shelf" software.

- Specialized software.

- IT systems, programs and services,

- as well as other digital upgrade costs not directly related to IT systems.

In the case of companies that are established or will be established in mountainous and disadvantaged areas, the intensity of the sponsorship amounts to 60% of the eligible budget of the proposal with a maximum sponsorship amount of €60,000.

Our services that support the Scheme:

  • Technical equipment such as supply of Network equipment (Routers, Firewalls, WAFs, Load Balancers), Servers (Servers, Bladeservers), Storage Networks (SAN), Gateways and Ups.

  • Other special equipment such as bar code readers, depending on the needs and activity of the business.

  • Services for other Digital Upgrade expenses such as digital advertising/promotion [digital marketing, presence on social media (Social media), creation of videos to present the company's products, creation of digital content, etc.]

  • Services of Consultants/Advisors for: a) the analysis of the applicant's needs and the correct guidance for adopting the best solution regarding the digital upgrade / digital transformation and b) the preparation for submission and/or overall management of the application The maximum eligible cost for the Consultants/Researchers category amounts to €1000. It is emphasized that the Consultant/Advisor may NOT be a provider/supplier of the products/services included in the investment proposal

  • Create online store

  • Training for the proper maintenance and management of electronic platforms & off the shelf software

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