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  • Eleni


EN: CKT Business Consulting provides management and consulting services for the following programmes and schemes. Our team's experience in the listed programmes leads us to a 100% success rate of approval applications and subsidy payments.

Human Resources Development Authority of Cyprus(HRDA):

  • Single Scheme Training Programmes in Cyprus

Single Scheme Training Programmes in Abroad

  • Training Scheme for Long-term Unemployed in Businesses/Organizations

  • Training Scheme for Graduates of Tertiary Education

The Cyprus Human Resources Development Authority (HRDA) is a public law legal entity that began its work in 1979. On November 1, 1999, the Human Resources Development Law no. 125(I) of 1999 came into force.

The mission of the HRDA is to create the conditions for planned and systematic training and development of the human resources of Cyprus, at all levels and in all sectors, to meet the needs of the economy within the framework of the social and economic policy of the state.

Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry

  • Digital Upgrade of Enterprises (De Minimis) Until 30.12.2022 or until the budget runs out

  • Promoting saving and upgrading in SMEs and Non-profit Organisations (NGOs) (De Minimis) Until 30.12.2022 or until the budget is exhausted

The mission of the Ministry of Energy, Trade and Industry is to implement a comprehensive strategy for the transition to the green economy, through a multi-dimensional planning for green energy, for a smart and environmentally friendly industry, for strengthening Cyprus trade and exports, and for sustainable development of Cypriot hydrocarbon


Deputy Ministry of Tourism

  • Grant Scheme for the Revitalization of Rural, Mountainous and Remote Areas through the Creation of Authentic Experiences to Enrich and Upgrade the Tourism Product. Applications will be accepted until November 30, 2022 or until the available budget is exhausted.

  • Grant Scheme for Upgrading Traditional Places of Catering or Selling Traditional Food Products with the possibility of their inclusion in the "Taste Cyprus" Framework. Applications will be accepted until 11/30/2022 or until the available budget is exhausted, whichever comes first.

  • Subsidy Scheme for Cultural/Artistic Events through the De Minimis Aid. The scheme will be effective annually, until December 31 of each year or until the relevant credits are exhausted. It will automatically renew for the following year, unless otherwise decided by the Service.

  • Subsidy scheme for visitable handicraft and enogastronomy workshops in the context of the De Minimis Aid Rule. The scheme will be effective annually, until December 31 of each year or until exhaustion of the available funds. It will automatically renew for the following year, unless otherwise decided by the Service.

  • Subsidy Scheme for providing financial support for organising international sporting events in Cyprus in the context of EU rules on de minimis aid (DE MINIMIS). The scheme will be effective annually, until December 31 of each year or until exhaustion of the available funds. It will be automatically renewed for the following year, unless otherwise decided by the Ministry of Tourism.

  • Subsidy Scheme for the certification of recreational scuba diving service providers in Cyprus. The scheme will be effective annually, until December 31 of each year or until exhaustion of the available funds. It will be automatically renewed for the following year, unless otherwise decided by the Ministry of Tourism.

  • Incentive Scheme towards the Hospitality of cruise-ships in Cyprus according to the EU Regulations (De minimis). The scheme will be effective annually, until December 31 of each year or until exhaustion of the available funds without prior warning. It will be automatically renewed for the following year, unless otherwise decided by the Ministry of Tourism.

  • Subsidy Scheme To Foreign Sports Teams, Clubs And Associations For Training And Preparation In Cyprus In The Context Of The Eu Regulations On De Minimis Rules The scheme will be effective annually, until December 31 of each year or until exhaustion of the available funds.

  • Subsidy Scheme For Organising Familiarization Trips To Cyprus For Special Interest Tourism. The scheme will be effective annually, until December 31 of each year or until exhaustion of the available funds. It will be automatically renewed for the following year, unless otherwise decided by the Ministry of Tourism

  • Grant Scheme for the creation, upgrading of infrastructure / facilities with the aim of upgrading the offered product related to special forms of tourism (De Minimis). The scheme will be effective annually, until December 31 of each year or until exhaustion of the available funds. It will be automatically renewed for the following year unless otherwise decided by the Ministry of Tourism.

  • Grant Scheme for the digital transition of providers of special forms of tourism based on de minimis aid. The scheme will be effective annually, until December 31 of each year or until exhaustion of the available funds. It will be automatically renewed for the following year unless decided otherwise by the Deputy Ministry.

According to the Law, the objective of the Deputy Ministry of Tourism is to establish a strategic and supervisory authority with powers to develop a national strategy for tourism, promotion and projection of Cyprus as a tourist destination, as well as implementation of tourism legislation with the following, among other, main responsibilities:

- Establishment, coordination and implementation of an integrated National Tourism Strategy using the necessary horizontal policies.

- Support investment in Tourism.

- Promotion of tourist awareness, education and training.

- Implementation of tourism legislation and supervision of the tourism sector.

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