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Digital Transformation Scheme(Digital Upgrade)*

Updated: Oct 24, 2022

The Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry has announced a new scheme for the digital transformation/transition/upgrade of existing or new SMEs who will implement expenses in the category of digital upgrading including e-commerce/shop and/or the application of advanced digital technologies.

The intensity of the subsidy amounts to 50% of the eligible costs of the proposal with a maximum sponsorship amount of €50,000 and can cover costs for equipment required for the digital upgrade, “off the shelf” software, specialized software, systems, programs and IT services, as well as other digital upgrade costs that are not directly related to IT systems .

In the case of companies that are established or will be established in mountain, rural and disadvantaged areas , the intensity of the subsidy can rise up to 60% of the eligible costs of the proposal with a maximum sponsorship amount of €60,000.

It is noted that applications/proposals can only be submitted online through the website during the proposal submission period.

Some Quick Guidelines on the Digital Transformation Scheme:

  • Policy and Guidelines of the scheme here

  • Application Sample here

  • List of necessary documentation here

*Information extracted from the website of the Service of Industry and Technology


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